Hi readers, it’s me William here today as Emily is moving house and so has a lot going on right now. We are giving her a break from the column for a bit so she can focus on that.
Although I am missing Emily today, it does give me a chance to talk about the football, which I don’t think she is as keen on as I am. I have been watching all the European Cup games over the last two weeks and am very pleased that England went through the first round.
As I write, they are due to play tomorrow afternoon against Germany. I hope very much that they win. I will be watching the first half before the Music with Friends event at People First Dorset, and will watch the rest of the match afterwards. I hope and think that England will win 2-0.
It has been interesting to see how many people there are at the matches in other countries than and I worry a bit about so little social distancing and the virus spreading. I think it’s good that there is a limit on numbers in England.
I also enjoyed watching Spain today and seeing them win against Croatia. As I write, Wimbledon started today and I might watch some of that in the next couple of weeks too.
In fact, there is a lot of sport to look forward to this summer, like the Olympics, the motor racing and the six nations later this year. Whatever happens with COVID, I hope that all these go ahead and have them to enjoy.
I hope you are enjoying watching all the sport too and I’ll see you soon with hopefully more good news for England.
The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by The Friendship Club – a project for adults with learning disabilities, run by People First Dorset. Find out more at: www.peoplefirstdorset.org.uk/friendshipclub