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Get Involved

Whether you're giving your time through volunteering, donations or legacies, or fundraising - there are plenty of ways to get involved with People First Dorset. 

Why donate to People First Dorset?

Each year we must raise around £150,000 if we wish to continue funding projects like Friendship Club and Speaking Up. Our funds mainly go towards skilled staff to run our projects. There are also office costs, transport, training (volunteers too), phones, IT, printing and postage.


None of this money is guaranteed, so we have to find it! This takes time and effort.   


Our staff are funded to work on our projects alone but also volunteer and raise funds through donations. Our main funding comes from grants and contracts, which we must apply for, and which are increasingly competitive to win.  


Every penny counts, and your donation can really help. It might support us to run a Friendship Club night, support a Speaking Up group or train a team of volunteers.


Although we’d love our projects to be totally sustainable (so we’d need less funding) we have learnt that ongoing skilled staff support is essential, to ensure beneficiaries stay safe and properly supported.

Let's empower people with learning disabilities

Here are some ways you can donate:

In Person

2 Herringston Barn, Herringston, Dorchester, Dorset DT2 9PU


Just £5 per month really helps us deliver and develop our projects


Even the smallest donation can make a difference

How your donations help

Your donations impact our members in a number of ways from feeling less socially isolated, more confident, having better self esteem, alongside improved health and wellbeing.

pays for a community bus to transport 15-20 of our members safely to and from events
allows us to run a Speaking Up group
pays for a Friendship Club social event for up to 80 members

Have you thought about leaving us a small donation in your will?

If you are interested in leaving us a legacy in your will, please contact our office to discuss further. 

Legacy Giving

Keep in touch!
Ask us a question or sign up to our Mailing List for news and updates

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If you have a learning disability and would like to join as a member (so you can take part in our activities) please contact us by phone 01305 257600 or by email: so we can post you a membership form.

Thanks for submitting!

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