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Away Day and Straplines

Hi readers, it’s Emily and William here reflecting on the Away Day afternoon we had with People First Dorset, at the Walled Gardens in Moreton. It was the first time everyone at People First Dorset had got together since covid and so it was good to see the staff, trustees, management committee and advisors.

We were lucky as it was a nice sunny afternoon and we held it in the open sided fancy marquee in their gardens.

We liked that we didn’t all sit on tables with people we knew well but were mixed up during the afternoon so got to know other people better. We loved hearing their ideas and views, like Ruth from the office who is quite new and we’d not met before.

It was a really great afternoon. Everyone at People First Dorset is so nice, relaxed and easy to talk to. It was fab to have James Carter with us, who got married during covid and has moved away.

We helped with two activities, including the icebreakers. We chose the two questions. How would you answer these if you were given them? a) if you had two famous people for dinner, who would you choose? b) if you could swap lives with one person for the day, who would you choose and why?

The first workshop on our values at People First Dorset looked at how we use the values each day, which was good. The second we helped present and that was about how we communicate what we do. More about that next time!

As for the food, it was amazing. Lots of people brought something, and there was lots of it, really lovely, especially the home made things. We have some wonderful cake makers at People First Dorset and it’s great to be part of such a brilliant team!

The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by People First Dorset - a charity led and run by people with learning disabilities with support from staff.

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