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People First Dorset

Beach photo shoot (4)

Hi readers, it’s Emily, Kerry and William here, with our final column about why we did a photo shoot on Weymouth beach.

We’ve explained what People First Dorset (PFD) does over the last 3 weeks, and why it’s important to have trained staff and volunteers to oversee our events, and lots of other work that the charity does.

To set the scene, sometimes we hear it said that people who work for a charity should not get paid. We’d like to know what you think, but we don’t agree!

The thing is, how many people can actually work for free? Maybe some lucky people, but most of us need an income to pay the mortgage, rent, bills, food and all the rest!

We think that surely, if people like footballers get paid loads for kicking a ball around a field, then someone working hard (as most charity workers do) to ‘do good’ (and probably volunteering a few extra hours each week) at the very least deserve a wage that, even if modest, is fair for their time and experience.

Over the last few years, most of the income at PFD comes from applying for grants, which are getting very hard to get. So, the PFD team have been planning a fundraising campaign for some time, so the charity can keep helping vulnerable people. Covid got in the way first, then some other stuff.

But now the team are ‘on it’. A few of the photos taken will go on the front of some postcards. We hope it will help more people in the community find out about who PFD are, what they do, and why it’s so important. Even if just a few people help with a donation, it could make all the difference to someone’s life.

The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by People First Dorset - a charity led and run by people with learning disabilities with support from staff

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