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Environment Project

People First Dorset

Hi readers, it’s Emily and William here this week talking about a new project we’re doing in Dorchester.

We’ve both been invited by People First Dorset to take part in an art project with Dorset County Museum, to learn more about the environment.

This week we did some rubbings from floor mosaics and made our own mosaics from the rubbings, like bees and butterflies. As we were doing this, we talked about how we could protect these animals, and how they are affected by climate change. We also chatted about what we thought about the environment and what we wanted to know more about.

I, Emily had been to the museum the previous day and noticed a picture showing the different layers of decomposition of Dorset’s physical structure, and the top layer was full of plastic. We think the public need to be more careful about not using too much plastic. It can also injure animals, like the ring pulls on a can.

We are looking forward to more sessions and learning what things we can do to help the environment, even small things like buying our own water bottles instead of buying a plastic one. There is a drinking water tap outside Coffee One, and on Weymouth seafront, so it’s free and easy to fill up if you are out and about. We hope by the end of the project we have enough information to set up our own little group and share with others what we’ve learnt.

We don’t agree with demonstrating by stopping traffic on the M25. We heard about a lady who is now paralysed because she was having a stroke, and couldn’t get to hospital, which is terrible. It will also be bad if you are stuck in the car and need the loo!

The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by The Friendship Club – a project for adults with learning disabilities, run by People First Dorset. Find out more at:

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