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People First Dorset

Fundraising Friends (2)

Hi readers, it’s Kerry and William here, sharing more about the Presentation Evening last week with the fabulous Fundraising Friends, who have been fundraising for People First Dorset.

Just us two went, in a taxi together, a week ago Friday. We were warmly welcomed by Barry and John, and it was a really enjoyable and relaxed evening. As well as being very nice people and raising money for us, we especially like Fundraising Friends because they said we were young people – which made us feel young and good! It’s nice to get compliments, and they are welcome to join us any time and see first-hand what goes on at Friendship Club or Speaking Up, two of People First Dorset projects.

Before the meal, we gave a talk on People First Dorset that Laura K helped us prepare, which we hope they found interesting.

The meal was tasty, and we talked about loads of things, which was great! We pondered over the rising price of fish and chips and where is best locally. We agreed it’s probably the Case and Brewer, near the hospital, but also San Telmo is good. We don’t really know about Callaways. I, Kerry, often have fish and chips in Poole at Wetherspoons, which is good.

As for football, we agreed that Arsenal, then Manchester City, are the best football teams over the years. I, William will be watching Dorchester play Merythr Town from Wales this afternoon. We need three points, as do they, so think it will be a tough game.

Randomly the evening also introduced us to Fishermans Friends, when John gave Barry one during the evening, but we’ve never tried them. We will soon and let you know what we think!

Our final thoughts are with the lovely, kind, fun and friendly folk at Fundraising Friends. You are the best!

The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by People First Dorset - a charity led and run by people with learning disabilities with support from staff.

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