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Latest Restrictions November

Hi readers, it’s William here writing as Emily isn’t able to make it tonight. I am writing on Monday 29th November, the day before the new rules of wearing masks in shops and on public transport.

I think it’s good we have more restrictions because it will hopefully help slow this new virus down. When I first heard about Omicrom I felt a bit scared, mostly because there isn’t much information yet about it. While the scientists are still learning how it affects people, we don’t really know how bad it’ll be.

My biggest worry is catching it and getting really ill, or others getting sick with it.

I will do whatever I can to protect myself and others in the next few weeks, like wearing my mask in the street and in shops. I will be wearing a mask all day at the garden centre where I work, and will definitely wear one in a venue unless I’m eating. The more we wear masks, the better. It’s got to be better, however uncomfortable they might be, instead of possibly passing on covid. If only covid was visible and then we’d be able to see it and avoid it. It would be a bit strange though to be having to duck if you saw it coming. Perhaps if people got the virus they would glow with it, and so they’d know to stay at home until they got better.

I will also keep washing and sanitizing my hands, at work, when I return home and when out and about. I’d like all shops have sanitizing stations as some still don’t have them.

Let’s just hope Omicrom isn’t too bad and that everyone can still have a lovely Christmas, as best we can.

The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by The Friendship Club – a project for adults with learning disabilities, run by People First Dorset. Find out more at:

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