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People First Dorset

Lockdown Poem

Updated: Aug 3, 2020

Lockdown lockdown stuck indoors

Lockdown lockdown lets do the chores

Lockdown lockdown I hate you

Lockdown lockdown what is new

Lockdown lockdown let's find a cure

Lockdown Lockdown we've never seen this before

COVID-19, what a year it’s been

Stay alert, don’t get hurt

Test and trace, get out of my space

Social distancing, no more visiting

Getting furloughed, cut the workload

Kids at home, nowhere to roam

Grandparents shielding, emotions revealing

Lockdown lockdown stuck indoors

Lockdown lockdown lets do the chores

Lockdown lockdown I hate you

Lockdown lockdown what is new

Lockdown lockdown let's find a cure

Lockdown Lockdown we've never seen this before

Zoom zoom, in the same room

Whats App, fingers going tappity tap

Text text, what’s happening next

Pick up the phone, have a good moan and give the dog a bone,

Letter letter, makes me feel better

Talk and walk 2 metres apart, good for the heart

Chats in the garden, I beg your pardon

Lockdown lockdown stuck indoors

Lockdown lockdown lets do the chores

Lockdown lockdown I hate you

Lockdown lockdown what is new

Lockdown lockdown let's find a cure

Lockdown Lockdown we've never seen this before

Boris with each government update

Let’s us know our latest fate,

Still people argue their different views

while others choose to avoid the news.

So while each day new things unfold

and we will do as we are told,

let’s pull together and follow the plan

and pray we don’t need a COVID scan

Now a month or so later

hardly anyone’s on a respirator

less COVID is pleasing

and yay, lockdown is easing and no-one is sneezing!

Let’s hope this ray of light

means the end is in sight

at least the sun is shining

such a silver lining!

Lockdown easing going out more

Lockdown easing disinfect that door!

Lockdown easing let’s hope it stays away

Lockdown easing we want to get out and play

Social distance in the sun outside

Now we’ve got our hair roots dyed!

Sitting with friends out on the grass

Happy as we raise a glass

Eating tasty picnic food

How good is this at improving our mood!

Lockdown easing going out more

Lockdown easing disinfect that door!

Lockdown easing let’s hope it stays away

Lockdown easing we want to get out and play

It was with a big and happy smirk

That many of us went back to work

As much as being at home was fine

For other things we’d begun to pine

Also great to be in the sun

And have work suddenly feel a lot more fun

Lockdown easing going out more

Lockdown easing disinfect that door!

Lockdown easing let’s hope it stays away

Lockdown easing we want to get out and play

It’s great to see our friends again

as being apart was such a pain

For those of us who’ve stayed at home

Now it’s great to get out and roam..

But let’s avoid another bout

be sensible as you go out and about

Wear your face masks everyone please

They’ll help stop spreading your sneeze

Keep washing your hands whenever you can

And don’t pass it on to every man

So to everyone, be strong and brave,

And let’s not get a second wave

Lockdown easing going out more

Lockdown easing disinfect that door!

Lockdown easing let’s hope it stays away

Lockdown easing we want to get out and play.

Written by Emily, William & Debbie

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