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People First Dorset

Moving into our own home (1)

Hi readers, it’s Emily and William here talking about the big adventure of moving into our own homes.

The reason we’re writing about this is because I, Emily am soon going to be moving out of the family home for the first time ever, and have another viewing at my new home this week. It will be the first time I have not lived with my mother so it’s a bit scary and exciting at the same time! I’m moving out so I can be more independent. The reason it’s important to do it now is so that Mum can be fully involved instead of when she’s much older and may not be able to support as actively.

I, William, moved out of the family home a long time ago. I have lived in different places until I moved where I am now, a nice flat in Dorchester. I’ve lived in sheltered accommodation in Weymouth, with lots of other people, which was ok. I also lived in a bedsit in Dorchester. My flat now is the best place because there’s more room and I like living on my own, being independent.

As for me, Emily, I will be moving into a shared home with three other people, who all have a learning disability too. One of the greatest things is that my lovely best friend is moving in with me. We are moving in with two lads, who we know and like, and will be good to get to know them better too.

I should get the keys in April and right now it all feels a bit strange. I keep thinking things like “Oh my gosh, it’s happening and it’s real. I’m moving out the house!”.

We’ve got lots more to write on this, so do read next week’s column to hear more!

The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by The Friendship Club – a project for adults with learning disabilities, run by People First Dorset.

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