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People First Dorset

Politics and the state of the world

This article was written before the death of Queen Elizabeth. Emily and William have been unable to meet up as yet to write an article and share their thoughts but will do so in due course. On behalf of People First Dorset, we are saddened to hear about the loss of the Queen and are thoughts are with her family.

Hi readers, it’s Emily and William here this week thinking about the state of the country.

As we write this, it’s the start of September, a week before we have a new prime minister. We wish them every luck!

What worries us most about the world is probably climate change. The floods in Pakistan are another warning, like the world warming up generally. Is the world doing enough to change? Probably not!

We wonder about some of the solutions, like electric cars. Where will all the electricity come from to charge the batteries? We also don’t really understand about nuclear energy, if it’s a good thing or not.

We both care about, and want the best for our families and friends, especially our parents, that they are ok. We only have one Mum and Dad and want to make the most of them!

We will both do what we can to live simply, not pollute the environment too much, to live life to the best we can, and not sit back. It can be easy to mope around, if we are feeling low, but friends and family help motivate us into action, which feels good. It’s better to do something, even if it’s a walk into town. Changing the scene can feel great!

Our advice is enjoy your moments with friends and family, learn to be happy with yourself, be responsible and kind, and remember it’s sometimes the simplest things which make us feel good.

The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by People FirstDorset - a charity led and run by people with learning disabilities with support from staff.

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