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People First Dorset

Silly things

Hi readers it’s Emily and William here thinking this week, as we run up to Christmas, about the silliest things we’ve done!

One of the silliest things, I Emily have ever done is wear fancy dress at my mum’s friends party. We had to dress up and I had to find something to wear beginning with a letter. Mine I think was e. The thing is I really can’t remember what I wore, but I do remember feeling how funny it was. I think Mum was an angel!

Another silly thing I’ve done was at our work Christmas party last year. Everyone was laughing at me because I had a big Jesters hat on. The normal Christmas hats weren’t big enough as I couldn’t get all my hair in, and this was a lot more fun! A fun and silly thing which I, William have done is wear a blue wig for a party at the Friendship Club. We think it was a seventies party, and I, Emily and my friends did not expect William to turn up like this!

Other silly things we do is not finding things. Sometimes I Emily have put things in my right place, where I normally put something, but then I don’t look there and so can’t find what I’m looking for! The other day I put the tv control in the fridge when I wasn’t thinking! I William put the milk in the freezer instead of the fridge, but thankfully realized quickly it was in the wrong place.

It would be fun to have a ‘silly day’ where we wouldn’t feel embarrassed to wear silly outfits and big wigs all day. Perhaps we could do it and raise money for charity.

The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by The Friendship Club – a project for adults with learning disabilities, run by People First Dorset. Find out more at:

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