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People First Dorset

Green Space Dark Skies (2)

Hello readers, it’s Emily and William here sharing what happened next at Green Space Dark Skies. Read last weeks article to find out more!

So, we are now waiting to walk up Maiden Castle with all the other groups. It’s a lovely evening and the atmosphere is calm but electric as the excitement builds. Before we head off, through our headsets we listen to Zakiya McKenzie read a poem.

Then, together we trek up Maiden Castle, not far but steep for some of us!

We’d been put into groups earlier, ours being red, and our group leader led us to our location, at the heart of the hilltop. The lamps we each carried, totally unique and designed/donated by Siemens, respond to GPS signals. They all started to come on automatically, and had a warm pink/orange glow.

A drone circled above, filming the whole event. As the sun set, we put on our headsets and listened to the choreographer Subathra Subramaniam instruct us to what to do. Some of the movements included a walking figure of 8 as we held the lamps high. Another was going 5 steps in, and then 5 steps out while holding the lamps. We even walked in a circle with the lamps on our heads! It will be great to see what it looks like from above, when the video comes out.

The final movement involved all groups coming together to make a tear drop. Our group was right in the centre. At the end we all clapped to say thank you.

We both felt privileged to be there, especially as we’d never done anything like this before, with so many people being part of something bigger and celebrating nature together, in particular our local magical hillfort. The whole experience was different, exciting and moving.

The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by People First Dorset - a charity led and run by people with learning disabilities with support from staff.

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