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Crafty Cuppa

People First Dorset

Hi readers, it’s just me, Emily here this week. I want to take this opportunity to tell you about where I’ve also been volunteering the last few months.


As some of you may know, I used to work at a care home just outside Dorchester, which sadly closed 2 years ago, and some of us lost our jobs. I want and like working, so applied for other jobs but without success. It’s not easy finding a job when you have a learning disability.


So, I was thrilled when I was invited to volunteer at Crafty Cuppa, where I’ve been helping regularly for about a year.


This week, and next, I want to tell you how good the café is, and why it’s become another important part of my life.

First, Crafty Cuppa is so much more than a café! Words that spring to mind include inclusive, family, fun, welcoming and accepted. I think these are the foundations of the café, where everyone is valued.


Crafty Cuppa was set up by Jenny last year, as a Community Interest Company, so all profits go back into the café or community. My job includes helping to serve customers, for example with a fancy cappuccino and one of the delicious home-made cakes. The apple cake, I think is my favourite. You can have it cold, or hot with ice cream. Their cheese and red onion chutney toasties are also yummy (gluten free too).


Other days I may join someone with one of the games, or a craft. There’s always a jigsaw puzzle on the go, games for kids, and even a sewing machine to use if you need to do some mending!


Next week I’ll tell you more about the café, as have only just got started!




The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by People First Dorset - a charity led and run by people with learning disabilities with support from staff 

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