Hi readers, it’s Kerry and William here, talking again about my holiday in Menorca. So, after a long journey there, I’ve got 3 days instead of 4, to relax.
After missing breakfast the first morning as we were so tired, we found a local café, then later headed to the hotel pool. It had a slope for easy access, but I struggled to swim that day.
The next three days were full of laughter, sometimes to the point of crying! The food at the hotel wasn’t too bad. One evening we won the music quiz, and got a beach ball, hand-held fan, and a non-alcoholic cocktail which tasted of pure sugar!!
At the beach, 10 minutes away, we hired a beach wheelchair, which goes down a ramp into the sea. After discovering the lifeguards had never tried out their disability equipment,, they were keen for me to ‘test it’ for them. To be fair, they were helpful and although it was a little cold in the sea, it felt great. I had a random moment on the beach when a lady approached Louise, asking if I wanted an ice cream. Louise told her to ask me, which she did. I said yes! She didn’t ask the others so maybe she felt sorry for me in a wheelchair?
Steve, my partner, who’d never been on a plane, said he’d do it again. In another article I’ll share the day we talked about business ideas, and what we’d do if we lived out there!
One thing is for sure, I won’t complain as much about physical access in the UK, as it was terrible out there. Be warned wheelchair users, as it was a very physical trip trying to navigate around.
Now back to typical English weather, it’s ‘where to next year’!
The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by People First Dorset - a charity led and run by people with learning disabilities with support from staff