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People First Dorset

New Year

Hi readers, it’s just me, Kerry here today. I had a good Christmas, and hope you did too. I’ve had a chance to reflect, including what next year looks like. Things I want to do, things I need to do (like physiotherapy exercises) and things I want to stop doing (enough for an article!).


My work with People First Dorset (PFD) who helps us write this column, is looking promising too. It was a difficult year for PFD, it being harder than ever to get funding, and having to say goodbye to fantastic staff.


Thankfully we’ve more funds coming in, so we can continue many activities, plus review how we work going forward. Lloyds Bank Foundation will support us, via a consultant, to do this. We’ll aim to talk with as many people as possible, from our staff team, trustees and management committee to volunteers, members and carers.


There’s always more we, and others, want to do, but we can only do what we have funding for.  Some people ask why staff don’t work for free, with PFD being a charity. Perhaps they don’t see the volume of work ‘behind the scenes’, like supporting individual members, working with others (council, providers, research, community organisations etc) to find out, and make better, the issues affecting people with learning disabilities across Dorset.


Like any organisation, running a successful charity needs a high level of expertise with specific knowledge and skills to oversee operations, oversee financial management, secure funding, ensure legal compliance and much more! We think it’s essential to have professional, skilled and trained staff to do these things, including run our events (along with our fab, trained volunteers).  It keeps everyone safe. And so, naturally, like anyone in business, we need to train, supervise and pay them.


More next year, but for now HYN!  



The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by People First Dorset - a charity led and run by people with learning disabilities with support from staff 


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