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Our therapy animals

People First Dorset

 Hi readers, it’s Kerry, Emily and William here, following on from our last three columns about animals. The first two were on the newly famous Susie the cat, and then the healing power of animals.


We all agree animals can be very healing. For starters, they can't answer back. Then, they are often cuddly, soft and loving. They can also make us be more responsible, as most animals are dependent on us. We also love how you might talk to animals and find yourself going into another world, a bit like when you’re holding happy babies! Some say plants are healing which is true, but you can’t hug a plant!


Today we want to share which animals each of us would choose as a healing one. For me, Emily, I’d have a small dog, like a Maltese. I love the idea of them sitting on my lap and sleeping on my bed, how relaxing that would feel. My brother had a Chihuahua and whenever he was feeling rubbish, she was brilliant with him. They were best friends.


I, Kerry would have a Collie, because I know they are lovely, having had one when I was younger. She would always know if I wasn’t feeling well.


For me, William, it’d be a talking parrot! The others have asked me why and I don’t really know why. I just think I could talk with them about anything. I’d have one with a sense of humour, and they’d come out with new lines every day, to make me laugh. They’d also tell me off if I was mumbling!  


Next week we talk about other things which help relax us, so why not tune in and find out what they are, as they might help you too!




The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by People First Dorset - a charity led and run by people with learning disabilities with support from staff



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