Hi readers, it’s me, Kerry, joined again by Ellie this week, following up on our column last week about self-advocacy. Last week we talked about the Management Committee we both sit on at People First Dorset.
Today, we want to tell you more about the online meeting about self-advocacy we took part in. It was organised by Learning Disability England (LDE), and chaired by their CEO Sam Clark. Sam had been asked by Hilary, who works for the Local Government Association (LGA) and the Association of Directors of Social Services (ADASS), if LDE could signpost her to some successful self-advocacy organisations in England.
This was because LGA and ADASS knew that, in some areas around the country, self-advocacy groups were working well and creating extremely positive benefits for people with learning disabilities. They wanted to understand what these groups did to create successful outcomes for individuals, and more about the benefits.
Hilary’s role was to write a paper to share with social care commissioners across the country, about what good practice looks like in commissioning self-advocacy, the difference it can make, and why it is important. To do this, Hilary wanted to hear first-hand from some successful self-advocacy organisations and their self-advocates. Sam suggested People First Dorset, My Life My Choice, Sunderland People First and Lewisham Speaking Up.
We all prepared beforehand what we’d share, and 2 self-advocates from each group spoke about their experiences. It was fab that our Dorset Commissioning Manager, Anna, joined in too.
The meeting went well, though there was much more we wanted to share! We will send Hilary some more information (not too much) about why People First Dorset and other organisations like us, are so important. Next week we will tell you too. Have a great week everyone!
The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by People First Dorset - a charity led and run by people with learning disabilities with support from staff