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Thank you!

Thank you!


Hi readers, it’s Emily, Kerry and William here this week talking about raising money to keep People First Dorset going.


The charity has been fortunate to have had fantastic funders over the last few years. We thank them all for funding our projects like the Friendship Club, Speaking Up and the other activities we do. Workshops and extra activities which help us improve our health like doing sports in leisure clubs; learning about the environment with Dorset Museum; improving our social communications skills with Dorset Skills and Learning;  money workshops which help us manage our money better; learning to cook, how to eat well and many more!  


The funding from one of funder, Peoples Health Trust, comes to an end soon. They have funded the Friendship Club and it’s given our members so many opportunities to socialise, learn new skills and improve their confidence over the last two years. Thank you to them!  


Current funders include Postcode Local Trust, Dorset Council, Dorset Healthcare, Henry Smith and South West Community Matters. To keep all our projects and activities going the charity needs donations too. We’ll be helping with fundraising activities this year, and starting with sending out postcards to spread the word. We will be putting them through letterboxes, so if you get one, please give it some thought as to whether you can donate, or pass it on to someone else who might.


The best way to see what People First Dorset does, is to watch a very short (2 mins and a bit) video about what we get up to. There are lots more on the YouTube page!. This video on the front page of the website ( or you can try this link. What’s best, it made by us, the members. It’s also very uplifting, so worth a watch!  



The writers of the Our View column are supported in their editing by People First Dorset - a charity led and run by people with learning disabilities with support from staff


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